星期五, 18 10 月, 2024
節目2017-9-20_第778次例會_總監DG Skin公式訪問, 由保安領唱「「Welcome to Governor」

2017-9-20_第778次例會_總監DG Skin公式訪問, 由保安領唱「「Welcome to Governor」


歡迎區總監Welcome To Governor

We will sing a tune-ful Wel-come To our Go-ver-nor to night,
That’s a way we have at Ro-tary, To bring vi-si-tors de-light,
Go-ver-nor we’re glad to see you, And we hope we please you too!
Tell us all you know of Ro-tary, And the things that we should do.

David Chuanghttp://blog.uprofit-tw.com
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